So, Thursday nights is the Xwing night at our FLGS (Battleground Games in Planeville, MA). Unfortunately, because of my wife's teaching schedule next semester I will not be able to join in until after the semester (December). As a favor to me, one of our lovely game store employees allowed me to try out his new Decimator.
Oooooooooooo Pretty |
So we decided to do a nice big 400 point battle. Each side had Corvette. Fantasy flight really screwed up be making it rebel only, but we make it work with one rebel and one imperial. So for my 200 hundred points I wanted to fly a bunch of stuff that I normally would not fly. Originally 2 Tie Interceptors, 1 Defender, Mithel, Decimator, and Echo (who is still the best pilot in the game). Of course, I did not feel comforatble not flying a bunch of TIEs. So I dropped 1 Interceptor and added 2 Academy TIEs.
Imperial Glory. |
My teammate brought a Slave-1, Howlrunner, and the Capital Ship. We were facing the rebel capital ship, Lando, the new rebel big ship (once again, courtesy of Matt)...outrider something or other, and a bunch of Xwings and Z95s.
That is a lot of ships |
800 points of fleet goodness |
I was actually worried about the capital ships. The brave Imperials fly forward and actually worry about an action since the capital ships have range 5 on their guns.
Fly forward and do nothing. |
Actually the captial ships were not too bad. FFG did a good job of balancing them. Shots fired and Vader was with the Imperials, no ships destroyed.
First blood to the Imperials! |
The next round, bunch of shots are fired and a rebel ship is removed. Echo is awesome. The capital ships inch closer to each other. Of course, we are all waiting for the two corvettes to start shooting at each other.
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Fly around and shoot some more. |
Decimator bashes into some enemy ships (I really should have taken the pilot that causes damage when he plays bumper cars). The crew member that allows the Decimator to get a free evade token was key to the survival of this sexy sexy ship.
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The big ships finally turn toward each other |
Some more rebel ships blow up. The Imperials are doing really well at their evade rolls. 3 turns into the game and no Imperials have been destroyed. The Decimator keeps being a bullet magnet and its crew member is pretty much the only reason it is alive at this point. This entire time, the TIEs have been beating down the Rebel Corvette. Yeah TIE swarms!
What, an imperial went away? |
The first Imperial is destroyed! One of my Academy TIEs is run over by the Corvette. Funniest damn thing that has every happened to me in Star Wars.
Tie Defenders rock! |
The TIE Defender uses its proton torpedo and destroys the front section of the rebel corvette. It is not looking good for the Rebels. Many of their ships are wrecked, including the new Rebel big ships, and the Imperial have only lost one TIE (that was run over by the Rebel Corvette).
Broadside! |
The crippled Rebel Corvette and the Imperial Corvette get ready to broadside each other. Things are looking grim for the Rebels, down to this broken Corvette and Lando versus the pretty much intact Imperial fleet.
BOOM, and the Imperials win! |
And the Rebel Corvette goes down! All that is left for the Rebels is Lando. The Imperials win! We call it at this point. The Rebels are left with Lando and the Imperials have every ship except for the one that played a speed bump to the Rebel Capital ship. We got really lucky with our rolls tonight. I had a lot of fun and I hope our opponents had a good time too.
The Decimator is an awesome ship. I look forward to getting mine and I really wanted to steal Matt's. I will miss those Thursday games until December. And one final point, I take no responsibility for any misspelled words. I blame it on the vodka (which their were a few, but I fixed them this morning).